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Lord Slug Movie Review: Dragonball Z Movie 4 "Super Saiya-Jin Goku'

    Overall Rating: 6/10

  Movie 4 begins with Gohan and Piccolo by a waterfall. Piccolo is meditating and Gohan has taught his dragon to dance while Gohan whistles. He decides to show Piccolo. Piccolo then screams out to Gohan to stop. Piccolo then starts to sense something disturbing. Apparently there is some planet come towards earth and the projection shows that the planet would hit earth and destroy it. Everyone starts to panic and worry. Goku and Krillen use a KI blast to change the Planets direction but at the same time not destroy it because Bulma and Dr. Briefs discover that the planet has life on it. They are unsuccessful and the planet continues but it explodes before it does any major damage to earth. But somewhere in the city people begin to surround a spaceship. Out comes an army of weird looking soldiers who said "This planet is now under the rule of lord Slug". Inside the ship they are talking about how long it will take to terraform the earth. Out comes lord slug and he finds out about the dragonballs by reading Bulmas mind and from seeing one from Gohans hat. They go out and find all 7 dragonballs and Lord Slug wishes to have his youth restored so he can be more powerful. Then lord slug orders for the earth to be terraformed. They send out some sort of machine into space right by earth which begins to send out dark clouds that cover the whole entire earth( lord slug and his army can stand the sun). Gohan sneaks out at night to attack the army but there are too many of them. Then out of nowhere piccolo comes to save the day. Then gohan and piccolo must face lord slugs henchmen Dorodabo, Angira, and Medamatcha. Piccolo defeats dorodabo easily but Gohan has some trouble against medamatcha. Just as medamatcha is about to defeat Gohan with a blast guess what happens, Piccolo blocks Gohan and takes the blast AGAIN. Then Goku and Krillen come to the rescue. Goku instantly defeats both Angira and metamatcha. Now Goku must take on lord slug. The battle begins with Lord slug having the advantage. Just when slug is about to finish off Goku, Goku gets a burst of energy and transforms into a super saiyan or something(His hair did not change but there was a gold aura around him). Goku then begins to kick slugs ass. Slug realizes that he cant beat Goku. Then slug reveals that he is a namekian and transforms into a huge giant. Then slug starts to beat up Goku easily, but Piccolo hops on top of slugs head and tells him that he knows his weak points. Piccolo then rips his ears off and tells Gohan to start whistling like he did the other day. He does so and lord slug can't stand it. Then Goku charges up and flies right through Lord Slug creating a hole in the stomach and destroying him. But out of nowhere slug extends his arm and follows Goku through clouds. Goku finds the sun and uses its energy to create an energy bomb which finally destroys Lord Slug and the clouds that have covered the world. Piccolo regrows his ears instantly and that is the end.

Return Of Cooler: Dragonball Z Movie 6 "Attack! 10,000,000,000 Power Warriors"

Rating 8.5/10

The movie begins right where they left off in Movie 5. Goku is recovering after the battle at the same exact desertous place. As the gets up so does everyone else and out of nowhere comes out Koola's main henchman who is easily destroyed by Piccolo and all seems well. But on Namek there are huge robots taking over the planet and there is not much anyone can do to stop them. Dende, the new guardian of earth, finds out about this and the z fighters must head out to Namek to save the planet and the people. The namekians are all walking in a straight line, hands cuffed together, and one decides to attack a big robot but he is no match, but out of nowhere the z fighters arrive. They are about to battle until  Metal Cooler reveals himself and explains how he was remade into metal Cooler. Piccolo, Gohan and Krillen begin to battle the robots and Goku begins to battle Metal Cooler. Piccolo is able to find a weakness in the robots and tells the others as the begin to destroy the robots. Goku gets the advantage of the battle against Cooler and is able to destroy Coolers arm. But the arm is regenerated and Cooler tells Goku that the Ghetti star regenerates any broken body parts or damage. Then Cooler is able to take control of the battle and out of nowhere Vegeta arrives and kicks Cooler. Gohan and krillen have been captured by the robots and are being taken to a prison camp. Piccolo is by himself but is able to destroy the robots that were left and then he flies to the Ghetti Star. Meanwhile Goku and Vegeta use all the energy they have and are able to destroy his body into millions of little pieces. They begin to rest but out of nowhere thousands of Metal Coolers emerge. They all start coming towards them, and then they wake up hanging in some empty room on the Ghetti star with tiny little electroids around them that begin to steal their energy. But the Saiyans energy is too much to handle and the star is about to explode. Goku is able to shoot an energy ball into Coolers body which finally destroys him. They are able to return to namek and are greeted by their friends and all is well.

quite a bit of comedy i would get this if i was you ^_^