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Saiyan Transformations

A study of the various forms of the saiyan race
(By: Brain Hyman)

Saiyans: A saiyan is a fighter from the planet Vegeta that was blown up long ago by Frieza because Frieza was afarid of the saiyans. Very few saiyans survivied, among them were goku,vegeta,broly,raditz and napa. Goku as we all know was sent to earthto destroy it but later changed his mined after a miner bump on the head. ^_^ Raditz is his evil older brother. Vegeta is a cocky saiyan prince and broly is a legendary super saiyan that was last seen 1,000 years ago. All saiyans are born with black hair and their hair does not grow from the time of birth. They all have a brown tail from just below there back, and have a tremendous power. A true saiyan can be very stronge, and after he loses a number of battles, all without dying, he becomes that much more powerful!

 Oozaru: The Oozaru form of a saiyan is the large monkey from. this form os a saiyan can only be reached if the saiyan's tail is still intact, and they are exposed to a full moon. The Saiyan then Transforms into an Oozaru. The Oozaru is a large monkey with a power that is greater than a normal saiyans power.In fact, if you take the power of the saiyan at the time if transformation, and multiply it by 10, your result is the power level of the Oozaru form from that saiyan. very few saiyans ever go into this form: those included Gohan,Vegeta, and the legendary super saiyan broly and goku in DB.

Super saiya-jin A.K.A Super Saiyan: A super Saiyan is the advanced form of a saiyan, with tremdous power. when the transformation from a saiyan to a super saiyan for the first time the saiyan experiences a great pain, and a tremoundous explosion of power and ability. After a few times becomeing super saiyan is becomes more natural and not as painful. The most noticeable changes in a super saiyan is Bright yellow hair and a golden aura and b;dgin muscle and green eyes. After enough training they will reach the next stage of super saiyan!

SUPER SAIYAN 2(my fav) : As if the super saiyan level was not enough the saiyan can still extend his power more and more as they progress in the super saiyan levs. A SSJ2 is far more powerful than a normal super saiyan and has grown longer hair the muscles are not as huge so they have more speed. Gohan is the first to reach this level when fighting cell the saiyans that reach this form is Gohan,Goku,Vegeta gogeta,and veggeto.

Super saiyan 3: Once Again, the super saiyan gets stronger! the saiyans strength increases, but not as drastically as the change from super saiyan to SSJ2 there is some big time changes...WHERES THE EYE BROWS! the hair much much longer down almost to there knees but yet again...the saiyans power still goes on one more level of super saiyan and i can quit typeing OH YAY!

Super Saiyan 4 SSJ4: This form is not considerd a saiyan, more along the lines of a saiyan and a oozaru hybrid, there strength increases even more this time! and is virtually immeasurable. This form the saiyans hair is its normal color but is longer than its normal lenght. This form is very cruel and has no fellingsthis form does not wear a shirt but has dark red fur, and a boast of advice if u ever see one......RUN! ^_^